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Welcome to my new Blog (again!)

At a writers’ conference in San Francisco in February, I met with Rusty Shelton, author, speaker and “new media” marketing guru.

He helped me focus on a few key marketing elements:

  1. My Book, Newport & Kibesillah — A Tale of Two Mendocino County Coastal Logging Towns in Northern California, is available at two great local bookstores, Gallery Bookshop in Mendocino ( , and Mendocino Book Company in Ukiah ( It is also available at and at

  2. I am on Twitter! My Twitter "handle" is @KittyNevin. I’m still “listening,” trying to figure out how it works. But Twitter is certainly an intriguing platform. I hope to “Tweet” soon about my revamped Blog, my book and all things Mendocino, which brings me to No. 3…

  3. My new Blog. This is it! I started my Blog on my earlier website,, which Rusty Shelton suggested was a web address too difficult to remember and needed a makeover. So, with the help of my professional web designer and artist sister-in-law, I am launching a new blog/website that addresses not only my interest in the history of the North Coast of Mendocino County, but also my love affair with the Mendocino Coast, which began when I first visited Mendocino with my family in the early 1960s. The name for my Blog came to me as I worked on the pages themselves. I realized that the area, the people, the history, the book and my affinity for the area can be summed up in one short phrase: Mendocino in My Heart!

Now that I have identified the “Heart” of the matter, I will reveal my theme — to visit with Mendocino and Fort Bragg friends I have met while researching my book; people I interviewed over the years when I wrote for the Mendocino Beacon, Fort Bragg Advocate-News and Ukiah Daily Journal; or friends I met while I was the editor of Arts & Entertainment magazine for the Mendocino Art Center.

If you hold Mendocino in Your Heart, too, please let me know — what is it about the Mendocino Coast that you love?! I look forward to hearing from you!

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