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Donner Lake

Bob and I had so many travel plans. Rent an RV and take the pugs, Buddy & Pumpkin, on the road. Visit the National Parks, find Route 66, visit the children and grandchildren... 

I think taking the train is a worthy substitute. Sadly, without Bob, and no pugs, but also no driving. 

We just passed Donner Lake

Time for me to mention again Sarah Ann Charlotte Murphy, pioneer of Kibesillah and Donner Party survivor. She and her husband joined the "Forlorn Hope " group and walked from Donner Lake many miles to get help for the Donner Party. Unfortunately, by the time they made it back to the Donner Party, many had died, including her mother and baby son.  

Charlotte was the mother of four daughters, who all married Kibesillah men. She and her daughters are buried in Rose Memorial Cemetery in Fort Bragg. *

* From Newport & Kibesillah, a Tale of Two Mendocino Coast Logging Towns

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